Previous Level: Level 30
SSH: ssh -p 2220
Password: 5b90576bedb2cc04c86a9e924ce42faf
There is a git repository at ssh://bandit30-git@localhost/home/bandit30-git/repo. The password for the user bandit30-git is the same as for the user bandit30.
Clone the repository and find the password for the next level.
A little bit of Theory
The introduction to Git can be found in Level 28 and Level 29.
Git tagging is a way to mark specific points in the history of the repository. One example would be to mark release points of the software. The command to see the tags is git tag
. To create a tag the command is git tag -a <tag_name> -m <"tag description/message">
. To see more details, like the tag message and commit, you can use the following command: git show <tag_name>
Start the same way as before by creating a directory, cloning the repository and checking the README.
The README does not give us any information. Checking the git tag, we find a point in the history called ‘secret’, which looks promising.
Looking at this, we find the password for the next level.
Next Level: Level 32