MayADevBe Blog

A Blog about Computer Science

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How to host a Hugo site on GitHubToday I am going to talk about the steps on how to host a Hugo website with GitHub. The steps include how to host a static website with GitHub Hosting. Specifically, we will look at a static site created by Hugo. Furthermore, we look at using GitHub Action to generate the Hugo site and how to include a cloned Hugo theme.
How to create a Hugo ThemeThis post deals with the static site generator Hugo. I explain how I learned to use Hugo, how I created a theme and how I used it to create my blog.
Why I chose a Static Site Generator to create my BlogIn this article, I explain what a static site generator is, as well as my motivation to use one to create a blog. and I also give reasons why you might not want to use it.
Hello World!Introduction Post: Who am I? And what is this blog about?